by admin | Dec 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
This blog has gone dormant for quite sometime. Time and space and a whole bunch of other projects in between happened in the meantime. Thank you for keeping this page subscribed! I want to let you know that I am revisiting a new content strategy and to look forward to... by admin | Oct 7, 2008 | Projects, Uncategorized
   Bob Zingmark from Zingmark Creative and I began working on the Elvis 008 video project last week. This is when we first met. I am always thrilled to meet other creative media types and to collaborate on projects. Much of my work is solo at the moment, so to... by admin | Sep 17, 2008 | Uncategorized
Tyler Boshae needs your help! He has a rare form of Tourette Syndrome that causes him to have uncontrollable, violent and painful tics almost constantly. He was diagnosed with this disorder when he was 10 years of age. He is now 23. His treatment options are running...